Press for political prisoners

Every month “Solidarity” volunteers secure media subscriptions for political prisoners. Among the newspapers and magazines are “Narodnaya Volya”, “Nasha Niva”, “Belgazeta”, “Komsolskaya Pravda”, “Pressball” and others according to the prisoners’ preferences. The newspapers are delivered to the cell that helps to stay informed about all events, be aware of developments and not to be detached from the life outside of prison, as the Volodarsky detention center prisoners writes. The convicts who have been transferred to the colonies receive mass media to their new addresses.

“Thank you for your material and moral support that in this difficult situation helps us to live through the prison routine. Long live Belarus!”
Eduard Lobau

­­­ According to the convicts, an opportunity to receive information about the happenings outside of prison is an important means of support to the people who are behind bars after the action of protest against rigged elections on December 19, 2010.


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