Released From Prison Hospital

The following day Dzmitry Uss, former presedential candidate was released, state media reported that "Lukashenka pardoned some of the prisoners convicted for the "street riots" in Minsk on December 19, 2010.

Dzmitry Uss released October 1 from prison hospital, when he was recently held.

Recall, Dzmitry Uss has been detained on the night after presedential elections. Was kept in KGB jail for the day and then released. Charged under article 293.

Judge Ludmila Grachkova found him guilty of orgonizing "mass riots" on May 26. Kiryl Chukaviec, state prosecutor asked 7 years imprisonment to punish Uss. As the result Uss was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

He served the term in Shklou colony, got the 2nd group of disability.


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