Uss mother: "I'm worried about son's state of health"

Ex-candidate on the presedential elections, political prisoner Dzmitry Uss’s been transferred to the medical center in the detention center on Valadarsky street in Minsk. As the result of the medical commission there, prisoners disability group has changed from third to second, as the wife of former candidate for presidency said.

Uss was taken to the magnetic resonans tomography accompanied by the head doctor of the prison and its governor. The prisoner must be examined by high-level expert the other day.
Uss lawyer sent a demand to find out the true state of health of his client and give his relatives the answer, if he is needed in immediate and serious treatment. Prisoners mother managed to get a 30-minute meeting with her son. Dzmitry Uss looks very thin and tired, according to her.



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