
1. Program “Free education” (students, post-graduates, master degree students) 
One of our main activities is the defense of educational freedom. This problem appeared after the president elections 2006 when young people who took part in democratic activities were excluded from the Universities, were deprived of their right for free education and had to pay for it.
The Committee tries to give these young people the opportunity to continue their education in countries which cooperate with democratic movements in Belarus. We started many projects with the help of the governments of Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia, Germany and France.
Besides we also support students who were convicted for political reasons and give them an opportunity to continue their education abroad distantly.
We pay much attention to such measure of influence on students as transferring them from free to paid education or not giving them an opportunity to live in dormitories. We try to do our best to help these students. 

2. The employment program 
After the presidential elections 2006 and local elections 2007 many civic activists lost their jobs. This program works in and out of the country. In Poland we are supported by construction firms, and the participants of the program can get a legal working permit there. The support is given to people of different professions from programmers to teachers. 

3. Medical aid 
Belarusian doctors try to help those people who suffered severe physical or psychological stress and to the members of their families. We have special programs of medical examination for the repressed. The parents of the repressed are sent to health centers. 

4. Financial help 
Financial help is provided to those who were made to leave their jobs, repressed from poor families, who have children, to parents invalids. We help students who can’t afford to pay for their education. Thanks to the solidarity of Belarusian people we can help the repressed. 

5. Program “Parental Solidarity” 
We continue the joining of parents of the repressed, youth activists and student’s who study abroad with the aim of mutual aid, moral support and protection of young people from repressions. 

6. Program “Open Europe” 
50 families from Belarus can establish connections with families in Poland and other European countries in order to spread the friends circle, to get moral and material aid. 

7. Program “Belarusian people – citizens of the world” 
This program helps to tell other people about places where young people live and study in Europe. We get information from many European countries. Belarusian students establish connections with student organizations take part in scientific activities. 

8. Program “Children of the Repressed” 
This program presupposes summer holidays abroad and providing help to children of the repressed. 

9. Program “Care” 
Under this program we are planning to help writers and intelligentsia who were left without any attention from the government. 

10. Program “Congratulation” 
Will show that we remember about every democratic activist. 

11. Informational campaign “Salidarnast” 
Is aimed at providing Belarusian and foreign journalists with information about human rights violations in Belarus, about actions of solidarity with the politically repressed and their families. 

12. Web site 
Main information about acts of solidarity in our country. 

13. “Black List” 
It will be created by lawyers and human rights activists and will include the names of policemen and KGB agents who took part in the acts of repressions against Belarusian people, heads of universities who excluded students on political grounds.