HR defenders

The Committee for the Protection of the Repressed Salidarnasts launched today an information campaign of solidarity with political prisoners in Belarus under the name Week of Political Prisoner.Чытаць далей

It has been launched after a press conference in Minsk today.

The campaign should awaken the public, civil activist Ina Kulei said:

“This is a marathon aimed at describing every political prisoner in detail. We need to find something that will interest everyone so that people could read about it on the Internet, in newspapers or hear about it, that would help people understand the political prisoners’ fate and to write letters of support to them.” Чытаць далей

After five severe verdicts announced to the Ploscha participants, Alena Tankachova said to Radio Liberty that before the trial the materials of the international investigation on December 19 events were released. The reporters arrived to the conclusion that there were no mass disturbances in Minsk.

“Each time we are waiting for a change from a repressive trend. To some extent we were sure that the conclusions of the experts’ report and a detailed investigation of the evidence will result in the court refusing from the article on “mass disorders.” Unfortunately, the verdict we heard today continues the previous strategy. The sentence is very severe and disproportionate to the offence. These verdicts will sooner or later be reconsidered. Each time it is so sad and painful to see how unmotivated decisions are made and behind them are people’s lives.”

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