БХД не зарэгістравалі
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140 тысяч рублёў штрафу за лекаваньне алькаголікаў
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Галадоўка працягваецца
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Hunger Strike of Solidarity. 8th Day
At this moment 29 people participate in the hunger strike. 7 members of the \Young Front\ Nasta Palazhanka, Arcem Dubski, Andrus Cianiuta, Jauhen Skrabec, Iryna Gubskaja, Mikola Dzimidzenka and Kasya Salavieva (joined hunger strike today) are having hunger strike in the BPF headquarters, the... Чытаць далей -
Мілінкевіч зьвярнуўся да Лукашэнкі адносна справы Аўтуховіча
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Hunger Strike of Solidarity. 5th Day
At this moment 26 people participate in the hunger strike. 6 members of the \Young Front\ Nasta Palazhanka, Arcem Dubski, Andrus Cianiuta, Jauhen Skrabec, , Iryna Gubskaja, Mikola Dzimidzenka are having hunger strike in the BPF headquarters, the others – at home. Because of bad health state Andrus... Чытаць далей -
У Магілёве - затрыманьні на канцэрце "Ляпісаў"
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Hunger strike of solidarity. Day 4th
At this moment 21 people participate in the hunger strike. 7 members of the \Young Front\ Nasta Palazhanka, Arcem Dubski, Andrus Cianiuta, Jauhen Skrabec, Gleb Snorkin, Iryna Gubskaja, Mikola Dzimidzenka are having hunger strike in the BPF headquarters, the others – at home. In the morning in the... Чытаць далей -
Адведзіны Ўльяны Захаранкі
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Акцыя салідарнасьці(фотарэпартаж)
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