One of the arrested entrepreneurs was released
One of the arrested entrepreneurs was released. One of the arrested entrepreneurs Ales Taustik who was sentenced to 7 days of administrative arrest for spreading leaflets devoted to planed strike of entrepreneurs which is to be held on the 10th of December was released. On the 28th of November... Чытаць далей -
Zarembuk was called to local milicia station
Ales Zarembuk was called to local Mastu milicia station e explanations about citizens’ meeting with Alexander Milinkevich on the 4th of November. On the 2nd of December captain Danilchich visited mother of the activist of movement “Za Svabodu” Ales Zarembuk. We should remind... Чытаць далей -
Акцыя пратэсту прадпрымальнікаў (фотарэпартаж)
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Макаева папярэдзілі
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У Нясьвіжы затрымана Наста Азарка
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Кася Салаўёва адноўлена ва ўнівэсітэце
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Нахабныя дзеяньні судовага выканаўцы
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Макаева адпусьцілі ўначы і склалі пратакол
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Выйшаў на волю адзін з арыштаваных прадпрымальнікаў (+фота)
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Кацярыну Салаўёву адлічылі з унівэрсытэту
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