Hunger strike of solidarity. Day 3rd
On May the 4th the open-ended hunger strike was started in order to protect the life of political prisoner Mikalai Autuhovich . The initiators of the hunger strike are the “Young Front” and former Belarusian political prisoners. At this moment 20 people participate in the hunger strike. 6... Read more -
test article
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Police break up peaceful march in Minsk
Officers of a special task force broke up a peaceful march that a hundred young opposition activists attempted to stage in downtown Minsk on February 14 on the occasion of St. Valentine`s Day. Around 50 people gathered on Saturday evening on Yakub Kolas Square, defying the city authorities` ban on... Read more -
Opposition activists issue one more statement protesting recruitment of youths into army
Opposition activists have issued one more statement protesting the use of force to recruit three young opposition activists – Ivan Shyla, Zmitser Fedaruk and Franak Vyachorka – into the army. They condemned the recruitment as an illegal act that discredits the military service and the... Read more -
The Statement Against Forcible Conscription
On the 7th of February Franak Viachorka, Ivan Shilo and Dmitriy Fedoruk took an oath in Belarusian Army. The Committee for Defence of the Repressed “Salidarnasc” wants to draw your attention to some circumstances which is matter of our concern. Read more -
Human Rights Monitoring. October-December
After the release in August 2008 of political prisoners (Kazulin A, Parsukevich S, Kim A,) there were no any significant changes in situation with human rights in Belarus. ● Political repressions against civic activists are continuing. After the participation in peaceful action of protest of... Read more -
Committee Salidarnasc's appeal in connection with interview of Mr. Lukashenko to France-Presse Agency
In the interview to the agency France-Presse the President of the Republic of Belarus A.Lukashenko said: There are no political prisoners in Belarus and these people are just criminals. In this connection the Committee for Defence of the Repressed “Salidarnasc” wants to state the... Read more -
International Federation of Human Rights: “Authorities ignoring opinion of people are illegitimate”
“Opinion of people should come first in democratic countries. If election is undemocratic, people have the right to protest in the streets,” Secretary General of the International Federation of Human Rights Luis Guillermo Perez told in an interview to the Charter’97 press center.... Read more -
Tortures in Belarusian prisons: inhuman conditions, police violence and intimidation
It is stated in the report on incarceration conditions in Belarus, presented in Minsk by the International Federation of Human Rights. The report includes facts of inhuman treatment and tortures in Belarusian prisons and police departments, Radio Svaboda informs. A conclusion is made in the report... Read more -
Policemen drawn up a report against wheelchair user for picketing city executive committee
Today a disabled person, a wheelchair user Uladzimir Vusikau picketed the city executive committee in Mahilyou. He demanded to reinstate him in the queue for public welfare homes, and compensate a voucher for sanatorium-resort therapy for him. Policemen have drawn up a report for this protest rally... Read more